Hurricane Matthew was devastating - IS devastating - and if you've been wondering about a way to help, I have a great solution for you.
The phenomenal Photographer Von Wong reached out to a community of photographers and asked for them to donate some favorite nature/weather/outdoor related prints. The funds from those prints will then go directly to a charity (more info on that TBD).
This is part of an ongoing project Benjamin Von Wong is using to raise awareness about climate change but listen, if you don't believe in climate change or think it's some plot by the illuminati to control the world, I want you to participate anyways because these funds from this sale are going directly to relief from the most recent major natural disaster - Hurricane Matthew.
The sale is expected to begin next Wednesday, October 19th. The photo you see below is the image that will be for sale. It's an image of Horsebarn Hill in Storrs, Connecticut, across from the University of Connecticut. It is an iconic area for anyone from Northeastern Connecticut and will look great in your house, or apartment, or dorm. Promise!
I will update with more information when we get closer to the date. In the meantime, get excited and prepare to tell your friends! Prices look like they will range from $20-$200 depending on print size, but again, that's all subject to change in the next week.