Daniele and Kate: Holcomb Farm, Ct

Daniele and Kate's Holcomb Farm wedding was a spectacular day made memorable by two people with possibly the biggest hearts I've met. Sure, it was hot, but all eyes were on the couple who met in Italy in a coffee shop. As a photographer, I couldn't have asked to spend the day with better people, especially when Kate was willing to walk through the fields while I crawled alongside in the grass! And thanks to @schuyler.rees for the assist on the shoot! Congrats you two and soak it in!

Cadyn: Dance Shoot

Everything was in bright sun. All the spots I pre-selected the day before our shoot were basically useless. I called a hail mary and told Laura to meet me at our "backup" location. When I drove up, everything but one spot was burning with midday light. 

Fortunately that one spot was a cool old door covered in ivy. So we got moving. I placed a few lights, Laura pulled out some Pinterest inspiration and iced coffees, and Cadyn did the heavy lifting. Enjoy.