There is no cradle without the cross.
This is the tension in which we exist. what is and what could be. Life today and the promise of tomorrow. The true Christmas celebration cannot be whole without its fulfillment in the cross of Easter.
There is no light without shadow.
And I’ve wondered about this weariness I feel when we enter this season. With so many lights, how can something feel so wrong? Why is there such an ache?
Sink below the haze of the holiday frenzy to street level. Outside the proverbial inn are the dark corners of the holidays. Here we find the God we sing about. Here in the languid streets. Among the people.
We, the broken.
And this is the whole point, and why there is tension beneath the glowing lights: a season of hope is for the hopeless. A season of promise is for those who need to believe in something real. In a world gone mad with distrust, this is our gift. The deepest heart of Christmas is found in the hope of the cradle and the promise of the cross.
Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.
The irony of the hope we celebrate this season is that we keep it tucked within our homes and under our trees while our brothers and sisters around the world face harsh realities, a darkness the glow of our Christmas lights won’t reach; a cold the warmth of out fires can’t thaw.
For all the people.
And we remember. Hope does not thrive indoors. This news was never meant to be tucked and shuttered in our hearts. This is a season of good news. A season of promise.
Of cradles and crosses.
Of freedom.
For we, the broken.
For all.